Seeking a Career Counsellor/Executive Coach?

Are you.......
Considering a career transition, but unsure where to start?
in a demanding, high pressure role without a confidant?
feeling a lack of connection/dissatisfaction with your career-life journey?
needing to be more authentic (true to yourself) in your current work-life roles?
suffering from unresolved conflict in work or personal relationships?
craving more impact in your current work role but afraid of burn out?
experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic stress, or burnout?
Each of us has the potential to find the answers within to resolve many of life's issues. However, sometimes we need support to see beyond our immediate situation, to find and implement solutions.
Consider the benefits of working with an empathic, competent and highly experienced career counselling therapist/executive coach who will engage you in the transformational "Inside Out Work" that is guaranteed to improve your career-life satisfaction and joy.
You will:
understand how natural talents, motivators, personality, character strengths, values and priorities impact choices and behaviour.
identify how leveraging your SIGNATURE STRENGTHS and experience can allow you to step into the unknown with courage.
transform your thinking to become clear and confident about the path forward in your career-life journey.
recognize the serious toll of a negative work context on your immune system and long-term health.
resolve and heal from anxiety, depression, stress overload, compassion fatigue or burnout symptoms.
apply Kathleen's Essence Guided Career Management Model and shine a light on how to connect with your true SELF.
Kathleen's lived experience has provided her with a bone deep understanding of the complex issues people face at every stage of the career/family life cycle.
As a Career Counselling Therapist, an Advanced Certified Personal and Executive coach, Certified Stress Consultant, and Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist, Kathleen is the source for implementing powerful and positive change in your life.
If you wish to engage in a deep personal growth and development career counselling or coaching experience, call or text today to arrange a 30 min. complimentary consultation: 780-951-7780.
Click here to read what clients say
CAREER is a lifestyle concept involving all of a person's roles (paid work, personal roles, learning, leisure). An individual's career is unique and dynamic as it unfolds throughout the journey of life.
"Every person has the wisdom to create a meaningful life with Essence as their guide."