Self Image and Career

"Think highly of yourself because the world takes you at your own estimate."

How does your self-image support your career well-being? Are you intentional about how you present yourself to the world? Is your projected self-image congruent with the real you?

Managing Christmas Stress

Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect."   Oren Arnold, Journalist

The Importance of Temperament

Find a career that suits your temperament.
Do what feels natural and comfortable.

The Importance of Temperament

Temperament is an individual's inherited and enduring set of emotional and behavioral tendencies. This article explores how temperament can influence careers and life.

Your Annual Career Checkup

Your career is like a chunk of clay that can be remolded and reshaped as you move through life. Consider yours now. Is it soft and pliable? Is it full of air bubbles? Is it Inflexible and hard as stone?

Your Annual Career Checkup

Most of us have an annual medical checkup as a regular life event because we have learned that it is a very wise thing to do.

Authenticity: A Balance Between Ego and Essence

Career satisfaction is enhanced when one is able to hold a vision for what is possible while mindfully staying present to how a job feels right now. This is a matter of being conscious of what is, while delighting in what is still to come.

Authenticity: A Balance Between Ego and Essence

Authenticity is a term used often these days, though it is frequently presented in a context that suggests it is something easily attainable, perhaps even widespread.

Mothers and Mothering

Consider the ways in which your career, all of your paid and unpaid roles, may have been influenced by your mother or another important mother figure in your life.

What wisdom and experience did you glean from those relationships? What wisdom will you pass on to the important women in your life?

Mothers and Mothering

The Meaning of Work

Consider the difference between a "job" and "work." A job is what you do to support your physical and financial needs. Work is what provides you with emotional, intellectual and spiritual satisfaction. Meaningful work is the fusion of both concepts.

The Meaning of Work
